ESP8266 ESP-01E Remote Serial WiFi Transceiver is just like ESP-01. Well, an upgraded version we could say. Like its predecessor, ESP-01E can communicate with AT commands, or be flashed with Lua or even be used with an Arduino. However, the flash memory size has been doubled from 512 KB to 1 MB.
With exact same dimensions of ESP-01, ESP-01E is tiny (25mm x 15mm) and fits in compact space, with simple pin connections (standard 2×4 pin headers). Similar to the previous version, communication with ESP-01E can be done over serial TX/RX pins using AT commands. AT commands help with querying and changing the configurations of the WiFi module.
Thus it would need only two wires (TX/RX) to communicate between a microcontroller and WiFi, but more importantly, it offloads WiFi-related tasks to the module, allowing the microcontroller code to be very light-weighted. Its powerful on-board processing and storage capabilities which allow the module to be integrated with sensors and other application-specific devices through its GPIOs.
ESP-01E is also addressable over SPI and UART, making this an exceptionally easy choice for anyone to build an Internet of Things thing. You can use AT commands to connect to WiFi networks and open TCP connections without the need to have TCP/IP stack running in your own microcontroller. ESP8266 ESP-01E Remote Serial WiFi Transceiver works effortlessly with platforms like Arduino
- ESP8266 chip
- Lua firmware available
- Printed antenna on-board
- Header block for easy access
- Arduino-compatible.
- Able to run a web server
- Able to become a wireless access point
Technical Specifications:
- Power: 3.3v
- 1MB Flash Memory
- 802.11 b/g/n, 360m range
- Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-AP
- Integrated TCP/IP protocol stack
- Integrated TR switch, balun, LNA, power amplifier and matching network
- Integrated PLLs, regulators, DCXO and power management units
- +19.5dBm output power in 802.11b mode
- Power down leakage current of <10uA
- Integrated low power 32-bit CPU could be used as application processor
- SDIO 1.1 / 2.0, SPI, UART
- STBC, 1×1 MIMO, 2×1 MIMO
- A-MPDU & A-MSDU aggregation & 0.4ms guard interval
- Wake up and transmit packets in < 2ms
- Standby power consumption of < 1.0mW (DTIM3)
- Dimensions: 24.75 x 14.5mm
ESP8266 ESP-01E Remote Serial WiFi Transceiver Package:
1x ESP8266 ESP-01E Remote Serial WiFi Transceiver
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