The BC557B is a widely used PNP bipolar junction transistor (BJT) that is known for its reliable performance in various amplification and switching applications. Encased in a compact TO-92 package, the BC557B is perfect for low-power general-purpose electronic projects. Its high current gain and low saturation voltage make it an essential component for both professional engineers and hobbyists.
Key Features
- High Gain: Provides high current gain (hFE), making it suitable for signal amplification.
- Low Saturation Voltage: Ensures efficient switching with minimal power loss.
- Wide Operating Range: Capable of operating across a broad range of voltages and currents.
- Compact Package: Comes in a TO-92 package, which is easy to handle and integrates seamlessly into various circuit boards.
- Reliable Performance: Designed for consistent and dependable operation in various environments.
- Transistor Type: PNP
- Collector-Emitter Voltage (Vceo): -45V
- Collector-Base Voltage (Vcbo): -50V
- Emitter-Base Voltage (Vebo): -5V
- Collector Current (Ic): -100mA
- Power Dissipation (Pd): 500mW
- DC Current Gain (hFE): 200-450
- Transition Frequency (ft): 150MHz
- Package: TO-92
- Operating Temperature: -55°C to +150°C
- Amplification: Ideal for low-power audio amplification and signal processing circuits.
- Switching: Suitable for switching applications in low-current circuits, such as relay drivers and LED drivers.
- General-Purpose Use: Versatile for a wide range of general-purpose electronic projects and experiments.
- Oscillators: Can be used in oscillator circuits due to its stable performance.
- Voltage Regulation: Efficient in voltage regulation circuits, providing consistent output.
- Versatility: Suitable for a broad range of applications from audio amplification to digital switching.
- Reliability: Proven performance and reliability in various environmental conditions.
- Availability: Widely available and cost-effective, making it a go-to component for many designers.
Why Choose the BC557B PNP Transistor?
The BC557B PNP transistor is a reliable, versatile, and cost-effective component that is essential for any electronics enthusiast or professional. Its excellent performance in amplification and switching, coupled with its availability and ease of use, makes it a preferred choice for a multitude of applications. Whether you are designing complex circuits or simple hobby projects, the BC557B offers the performance and reliability you need.
Order your BC557B PNP transistor today and enhance your electronic designs with a trusted and efficient component!
Package includes:
10pcs of BC557B PNP Transistor
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